
Canada Citizen/PR Dependent Permit

Canada Citizen/PR Dependent Permit

How to Obtain a Canada Permanent Resident Permit?

The Canada Permanent Resident (PR) permit stands out as a preferred choice for those aspiring to migrate to Canada. The country’s immigrant-friendly policies and encouragement from the government to attract settlers have inspired many to consider relocating here.

Beyond this, settling in Canada promises a comfortable lifestyle, numerous job opportunities, and personal freedom. With the added benefits of a diverse and inclusive society, obtaining a PR permit becomes an attractive option.


The PR permit grants permanent resident status for a duration of five years, extendable upon expiry. While holding a PR permit doesn’t confer Canadian citizenship, it does provide several advantages, including the ability to:

1. Apply for Canadian citizenship in the future.
2. Live, work, and study anywhere in Canada.
3. Access healthcare and social benefits enjoyed by Canadian citizens.
4. Enjoy protection under Canadian law.

For individuals such as students or foreign workers, the PR permit must be applied for explicitly. Refugees, on the other hand, must first have their refugee status approved by the Refugee Board before applying for and obtaining PR status.


Obtaining a Permanent Resident (PR) Permit:

Securing a PR permit involves navigating a comprehensive application process, with eligibility determined through a points-based system. Canada offers various programs for obtaining permanent residency status, including:

1. Express Entry Program
2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
3. Business Program
4. Family Class
5. Experience Class


Using the Express Entry System for a PR Permit:

For candidates opting for the PR permit through the Express Entry program, a points-based selection system is employed. The Express Entry System comprises three sub-categories:

1. Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP)
2. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
3. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

Skilled workers applying under the Federal Skilled Workers Program need to score a minimum of 67 points out of 100 in eligibility factors such as age, education, work experience, language ability, adaptability, and arranged employment.


Qualifying for a PR Permit through the Express Entry Program:

Candidates qualifying for a PR permit through the Express Entry program are selected from a pool of eligible candidates based on their Express Entry profile. An Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Canada PR status is then issued. Upon receiving the ITA, candidates have 90 days to submit supporting documents for their PR permit application.

Document requirements typically include proof of English language proficiency, civil status documents, educational achievements, work experience, medical certificate, police clearance certificate, proof of funds, and photos. A medical certificate from an IRCC-approved doctor is also mandatory.

After completing medical tests, providing biometrics, and submitting necessary documents, the application is processed, taking approximately six months. In some cases, a short interview may be required before a final decision is made.

Upon acceptance, applicants receive the Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) by mail from IRCC, allowing them to travel to a Canadian Port of Entry (POE) to obtain official permanent resident documents.


Provincial Nominee Program (PNP):

Canada’s nearly 80 different Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) cater to individual provincial needs, helping them fill jobs in demand and address labor shortages. While most PNPs require applicants to have a connection to the province, some allow direct applications without prior connection.


Popular PNPs include Saskatchewan PNP, Manitoba PNP, Alberta PNP, Ontario PNP, New Brunswick PNP, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and British Columbia. Eligibility criteria for PNP applications may vary but often include factors such as age, education, work experience, language ability, adaptability, and arranged employment.

Applying for a PR permit through PNP requires applicants to have a connection to the province, either through work, study, or a job offer from an employer in the province.


PNP applications can be made through the non-Express Entry method or the Express Entry method. In the non-Express Entry method, applicants apply directly to the province, while the Express Entry method involves creating an online profile and indicating the province or territory of interest.


Express Entry Linked PNPs:

Several PNPs are linked to the Express Entry system, including Prince Edward Island (PEI). Eligibility criteria for Express Entry-linked PNPs typically involve meeting the requirements of the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, or Canadian Experience Class.


Prince Edward Island (PEI):

PEI offers two pathways to permanent residency through the Express Entry Category, depending on whether applicants have a job offer in PEI or not. Preference is given to those living and working in the province.